Page rates
Front Cover - Full colour £150
Pencils/ Inks & Colours - £100
Pencils/ Inks - £80
Pencils - £65
Commisions A4 - Black & White £50
I can be flexible depending on project & budget requirements so please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss...
Intro to Rory Donald.
Born in Oxford early January '73 at 2pm causing the hospital clocks (they ran on an electrical circuit) to stop; came me (true story)...
After being electrocuted on numerous occasions there after, not to mention, when aged 8, with a partner in crime, shutting down the market town of Witney's electricity supply by way of an incident involving a metal bar & a set of overhead cables.
I will not be offering my services as an electrician.
I am however offering them as a freelance comic book artist & illustrator.
Comic collaborations.
Cast Adrift - Papercuts & Inkstains #2 By Madius Comics
Final Days - Timeworn Tales Of Torment & Terror
Crowd Surfing - Sliced Quarterly Vol 1
Griff Gristle - Here Be Monsters
Sirens Song
Endless Voyage By Madius Comics
Resurrection Men - 1
3 By N.S.Paul
The Phanes - By James E Roche
101 - Hexes Vol 1 By Blue Fox Comics
Housebound - By Blue Fox Comics
Tales From Beyond Infinity - Griff Gristle tale - The Mourning Monk
True Believers
Samuri Slasher Pt 3 - By Mike Garley
Wrong Time Wrong Place - 100% Biodegradable By Chris Sides
Fractured - Cadavers World Gone To Hell By Mad Robot Comics
The Hoards of Surrey 1
3- By Dave Wimblett
(coming soon to a Kickstarter near you).
Spaceboy & the future King - 1
Incomers of the Bloated Goat.
So feel free to contact me & I will get back to long as you don't need any rewiring done.